
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Coach Success Stories

Candice Benoit

2010 I sat on my couch; hagen diiaz in one hand, remote in the other - 9 months post pregnancy watching my boyfriend do 1.5hrs of P90X yoga. I continued to WATCH him succeed and get in the best shape of his life while I looked at my stretched out belly feeling the lowest I had ever felt about myself. 

This past year 2012 I gave birth to my son and decided enough is enough! I've witnessed how effective beachbody programs were first hand with my boyfriend and thought it's time to stop talking about what I am going to do, and start ACTING on it. I had incentive too. My best friends wedding was in a few months and it was drum roll "Destination wedding!" AH! I thought to myself NO way am I going to be the girl in the "mom" bathing suit! 

I had Insanity sitting in my closet and by chance..I stumbled upon my "fairy coach mother" Kati Heifner's page. I'm pretty sure I liked the SKINNY jeans she was wearing in the pic that first caught my attention (haha - I mean come on, us women all do that right?) but regardless I checked out her facebook page and she was a beachbody coach! 

I emailed her and soon after signed up with a free membership and got my first home direct order of chocolate shakeology. I had my struggles with motivation at times but I continued drinking my shakeology every day and it completely changed my eating habits. I was able to plan and make healthier choices, especially knowing I had my amazing chocolate heaven shake to look forward to - it substituted my evening chocolate binges and instead of a junk food hangover; I felt energized and rejuvenated. I sometimes dragged my heels with Insanity, missing days but when I fell down I kept picking myself back up! It wasn't long before I was noticing some INSANE changes in my body! 

After just 30 days of on and off workouts, I went down 3 pant sizes! Everyone was amazed at how great I looked, and more importantly I FELT great! But. Here comes the infamous wagon. One month after I returned from paradise....I fell off...I lost the motivation, and with no incentive I threw all my hard earned work out the window. 

A couple months went by and I started checking back into the Diamonds in the Rough support group. I knew I needed to get back on track but this time I wanted to really challenge myself. This time around I had something more that I didnt have the first time. I had PROOF. Proof that I CAN achieve this goal. I knew 100% that Shakeology was MY driving force to success so that was a no brainer - need my shakes again! So December 15th 2012 I began my journey as a coach!

Initially I thought I would start out as a coach for the discount at the very least - but then I started engaging myself in the diamonds in the rough support group and it really didn't take long before the greater picture really presented itself. I WANT to share this experience! I want to others like me to know that they too CAN achieve great results if they put the work in! I get so much motivation and support from the bombshell dynasty and I feel like everyone should know about this opportunity to be a part of something so special. 

Coaching is just the beginning! I am learning so much about myself - I challenge myself in ways I never did before and I am rediscovering passions and goals that I seemed to let go by the way side. But the greatest reward of all is seeing people get excited about reaching a goal of theirs and being able to help them find the tools to do so. To me, that is what this business is all about. I want my coaches to reach for the stars, challenge themselves and continue to pay it foward by helping more people go after their dreams!

Contact Candice!

Lindsey Stanley

I first signed up as a coach as soon as I tasted Chocolate Shakeology. After seeing the amazing nutrition and health benefits, and discovering how delicious it was (my daily chocolate "milkshake") I signed up as coach to get a discount. I wasn't sure about how the business part would fit in my life at all. Only after Kati plugged me into all of the Facebook support groups and including me in one of her challenge groups did I see what this business really offered to everyone. Beachbody coaches are only interested in helping people, and the results of their help is how their businesses grow. It was amazing to see! I am pretty shy, but I always loved encouraging my friends and family to adopt clean eating principles, exercise, be mentally and physically healthy - and just not give up in life! Seeing that this was exactly what Beachbody is about made me realize that I can be successful in changing people's lives.

I've been pretty hip to fitness and nutrition trends for many years, and always shared that information with others. But, I obviously never found the right formula for me - something I can stick with. I was a big Jillian Michael's fan, but... I never got real results because my diet wasn't right. I was 155 lbs. (considered skinny by all my co-workers and friends, but at 5'7", I really wasn't) when I was given Brazil Butt Lift by my friend. Looking for a workout schedule led me to Kati Heifner's blog, Shakeology, and then coaching! Kati provided me the Bombshell Nutrition Plan (based on clean eating principles) and after 6 weeks of eating clean and working out, I lost 15 lbs. and over 3 inches! I also gained awesome leg muscles that you can see! I became a product of the product! Seeing this, my sister signed up as a coach, began drinking Shakeology, and Turbo Fired her body into amazing results. I also have helped a co-worker change her eating habits to clean eating and that alone has helped her lose over 30 lbs. in just 2-1/2 months. Even my mom now is looking into changing her habits for good and getting healthy!

At first, family and friends who were NOT on board. At work, I got made fun of for always eating! Clean eating has you eating every 2-3 hours, and it's actually a lot of food. I heard a lot of, "How are you going to lose weight eating all that food!" There was always someone bringing in treats and candy, and not accepting the first i "No thanks". It took a lot to move past the lack of support. I also have two little girls to feed! They were used to a lot of healthy meals, but were sad that my meatloaf and buttery mashed potatoes were out of rotation (at least until I started looking for clean recipes).

I also work full-time and go to school full-time, so my workouts were done at about 10:30-11:00 at night! The constant support from Kati and our facebook challenge group kept me going until I completed the program. I was so happy I did.

My hope for my team: To not give up on themselves and continue this journey for the rest of their lives. I hope to give them the support and encouragement I got from the awesome Bombshell Dynasty team. I hope that they share their experiences with as many people as they can. There success is because someone (me) shared with them. We all need to pay it forward!

My favorite part is the team I am a part of.  I'm not in this alone!!  Any questions, concerns, worries, happiness, is shared and there is always someone there to help me out.  People I have never met have been some of the best supporters of my journey.  I credit this connection as THE reason I was successful and continue to improve my health and fitness.

I definitely recommend it for anyone who seriously wants to change their own life and help others do the same!  Becoming a coach means being a product of the product.  And the sooner you do it, the sooner you start changing yourself!

Connect with me:

Kelly Bonnell
Please help me celebrate the latest Bombshell Rank advancement! Miss Kelly Bonnell just advanced to Emerald rank! She is a passionate wife and mother of one and she recently just got her PiYo certification so that she can start teaching classes. She leads from the front and strives to set the example. I can always count on her to recharge my inspiration xoxox 

Congratulations! Let’s start from the beginning! Why did you decide to sign up as a coach and what does this opportunity mean to you?
I bought Insanity online, started going through the program and after every video saw the "you can be a coach" videos, started researching it and really couldn't find much negatives, they were there, but the overwhelming positives cancelled them out. I got my own awesome coach who just inspired me even more and made me believe that I could also achieve the level of success that the entire team was working towards and I made the plunge and signed up! 

2. How has your life changed as a result of coaching and being a product of the product?In becoming a coach and a product of the product, I realize that I am more accountable to myself and to others. I realize how many excuses I used to feed myself everyday just because I was too lazy to actually follow through with anything. I am more positive, healthy, and helpful than I've ever been in my life.
3. As an Emerald, you are building your team! What do you hope to pass down to your coaches?I hope to be able to pass down the amazing sense of team that I have seen being executed in this teams day to day activities. I hope to be able to inspire them just by the way I choose to carry out my life and my conversations. I want them to believe in themselves, to hit the ground running and never look back!

4. What advice do you have for people contemplating joining as a coach?
DO IT NOW! Seriously don't wait! The faster you sign up the faster you can start improving your life!

5. What has been your favorite part of this journey?
Watching my mind, and heart grow. I have more compassion for people in general, and I feel the need to reach out more. Instead of what about ME? It's how can I help YOU? And it extends further than just let me help you lose weight and get in shape. I want to help everyone with everything.. you need help moving.. call me.. you need help with your kids.. call me lol

6. Connect with Kelly Bonnell:

Kasey Wooten

Another Bombshell makes it to EMERALD rank! Miss Kasey Wooten is the sweet southern belle on the team. I remember when she first messaged me asking for accountability. She has to work EXTRA hard at her fitness with her thyroid condition but she never lets that get her down and she's had an INCREDIBLE transformation  Since then...she has been such a LIGHT on our team...always with a word of inspiration and a smile. She brings joy with her everywhere that she goes. Somehow she balances her adorable daughter, a husband, work, school and does it all with a smile. Love ya girl! Congrats!! xoxo

Congratulations! Let’s start from the beginning! Why did you decide to sign up as a coach and what does this opportunity mean to you?

I decided to sign up as a coach because I wanted to help change lives with support and encouragement! I wanted to help others like my coach helped me. I knew it would also help keep me accountable and on track with my new-found lifestyle!

How has your life changed as a result of coaching and being a product of the product?
I am realizing some strengths I had that I never realized before! I have been able to toss out medications, shop for new clothes, and gain a new respect for my body physically and mentally! I enjoy with all my heart helping others and watching them reach their goals! It is the best feeling EVER! I am happier, have a more positive outlook, and feel more fulfilled!

As an Emerald, you are building your team! What do you hope to pass down to your coaches?

I hope I pass down to them to ALWAYS be encouraging and supportive. It is so sad to me that all people need is some support, and their lives can change dramatically and they successfully reach their goals!! Think about it, support equals success in every area of life: school, relationships, work, heck even in elections! WIthout support people get no where and I think we forget that! We may not be able to relate to what someone has been through, but we can relate to how support has changed our life, and how it can change theirs!!

What advice do you have for people contemplating joining as a coach?
My advice would be it really helps you stay accountable along your journey. I think it is an amazing opportunity if your heart is on fire for helping others!! You cannot be a selfish person and be a successful coach. It is all about paying it forward. Someone out there is in your shoes right now and they are looking for your help!

What has been your favorite part of this journey?
My favorite part of this journey has been the people I have met. They are all so amazing and hold a special place in my heart! I feel like I have learned something important from every single person! I love my beachbody family! They are so supportive and I know I will be friends with some of these people forever!

Connect with Kasey!

Tammy Fitchett

Congratulations to Miss Tammy Fitchett on reaching EMERALD rank! Tammy is one of the most dedicated hard working, supportive and loving moms that I know. Every time I talk to her I get a BIG DOSE of motivation and she ALWAYS tells it like it is! No sugar coating with this one =) If you want RESULTS, she will get them. I'm really excited to share her story...because you'll want to remember her name! Beachbody LEADER BOARDS watch out! She is coming for you!

Pregnant with her little girl!

1. Why did you sign up as a coach and what does the opportunity mean to you?

The reason I signed up as a coach, well at first it was for the discount of shakeology and I really liked the idea of helping people. However, at the time the discount of Shakeology was more appealing.

2. How has your life changed as a result of coaching and being a product of the product?

P90X Results (Left) ****Before Pic (Right)

I really like this question. My life has change in SO many ways. Coaching has provided me this really cool opportunity to see myself in a truly different perspective. Yeah I had the physical transformation, but what really had the biggest change was the personal growth that I did on the inside. Who would have thought I would be able to really have to address my self doubt. At times we have all these little things inside us making us question whether we are really able to achieve goals that we set or can I really run my own business. I really had to challenge my own comfort zone in so many ways. For instance, changing the way I eat. I never thought I could ever get to the point of having a fridge full of healthy options, instead of convenient foods. However, today if you looked it would be full of things that grow from the earth and take time to ripen.
This has become a wonderful way of life. Being a product of the product means welcoming change (whoa!), challenging my comfort zone and not setting limitations.

3. As an Emerald, you are building your team! What do you hope to pass down to your coaches?
I would have to say the biggest thing I want to pass down is being self reliant. As in, we can not always depend on someone to be there fore us, or encourage us, motivate us, or carry us. There is a matter of self assurance that we MUST develop, because if we do not we could easily slip back to the comfort zone. However, if we really become self reliant, truly taking ownership of who we are, and Valuing ourselves and you will succeed. Do to the fact there will not be any compromising of US.

4. What advice do you have for people contemplating joining as a coach?

           I would say definitely do it! Why? Well aside from the $40 initial coaching fee, the $15 dollars a month is a great reminder of not wasting money on junk. You may not be ready immediately but others can grow from watching you take the first step in becoming healthy!
5.  What has been you favorite part of this journey?

           The entire ride! The ups or working out the downs of lazy days and still pushing through. I was really able to see how “struggles build endurance” and the importance of making my own way!

6.  Connect with Tammy Fitchett,







Ashleigh Severson

Congratulations! Let’s start from the beginning! Why did you decide to sign up as a coach and what does this opportunity mean to you?

1. I decided to sign up as a coach because I wanted to be a product of the product. Knowing that "pushing play" everyday would help people see the magic of Beachbody and inevitably help my business grow, motivated me and held me accountable to my workouts. This opportunity means a chance at financial freedom. Even though I plan on taking my business with Beachbody to a level where I do not have to have a full time job, I still want to get my degree. Graduating from college has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember and finances are the only thing holding me back. Beachbody is giving me the opportunity to pursue that degree, pay off my current student debt and regain my independence by moving in to my own place.

How has your life changed as a result of coaching and being a product of the product?

2. I am finally comfortable in my own skin! Beachbody and becoming a "product of the product" has helped me stay on track with my health and fitness. Yes, I still have days where I have to make a "U-turn" in order to get back on track, but the Beachbody family (especially my fantastic Bombshell Dynasty and coach Kati Heifner) make it easy to re-commit and find motivation.

As an Emerald, you are building your team! What do you hope to pass down to your coaches?

3. As I begin to grow my team as an Emerald coach I hope to teach my coaches that it is okay to start off slow. My first check from Beachbody was from one Shakeology HD sale, but with hard work and determination and great advice from my coach, every check has gotten bigger. Also, I want my coaches to know the importance of communicating with their upline coaches and always having an open ear to the coaches in their downline. Everything I have learned has been from my fabulous coach Kati Heifner and her coach Lindsay Matway. Kati has become like a sister to me, it is friendships like ours that make Beachbody's magic really shine!

What advice do you have for people contemplating joining as a coach?

4. Biggest advice to people interested in signing up as a coach is DO NOT HESITATE! It took me a little longer to sign up than what it should and I look back and feel like I wasted so much time!! There are so many people out there who need help, why wait another minute to help them!!! Not to mention, it motivates you to get in, and stay in, the best shape of your life! Win Win for all!

What has been your favorite part of this journey?
5. My favorite part if this journey has been connecting with the other coaches. The Bombshell Dynasty is more than just a team, it is a FAMILY! I get so excited when I have a message or a text or a call from any of the Dynasty members or my coach. And if I had not had started this journey I may have never had the opportunity to help a dear friend in my life, Laurie Fike, who also was my very first coach. Having her on my team and in my family has been a true blessing and has given us the chance to reconnect with each other!

If you are one of my coaches or in my downline, join my new coach training camp here:

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