
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Beachbody Coaches Getting Started

Welcome to the Team and congratulations on becoming a coach! I’m Kati, your Star Diamond upline coach!

I think of my team as my FAMILY! I am INCREDIBLY passionate about Beachbody & helping others live up to their FULLEST potential! I know firsthand how incredible this opportunity can be! Not only am I 150% dedicated to your success...but we have an AMAZING team of leaders ready to share wisdom, advice and guide you at YOUR pace!

You walk - I walk. You run - I run. You sprint - I sprint!

We SHARE ideas. We HELP one another. We SHARE our failures & encourage one another to keep going.

There are basically 3 types of coaches who join Beachbody

a) “Preferred customers” You just want the awesome discount.
b) “Wait & see” You want to work on your transformation 1st & then think about sharing your results and helping others OR you just want to do this as a HOBBY
c) “Full Steam Ahead” You are ready to build this business and start changing lives!

Your needs & goals will change over time. I actually signed up as a coach for the discount & accountability but eventually decided to share my results and build my Beachbody business. Whether you joined for fitness…or to start your business…I’m here to help!

Everyone is different! We are here as a team to support you! Think about what kind of coach you are and what you want to accomplish.

Remember, creating success is really up to you! When you succeed, it’s going to be you who creates success. You are the difference between success and failure. I’m here to guide you every step of the way, but I cannot do your workouts for you…I cannot build the business for you. I’m here to work with you but it’s up to you to make it happen!
Since you are the type of person to join our team…I know you will!


  1. FIRST: If you are a brand new coach, don't be intimidated by all the information. BOTTOM LINE is this: Work on finding 1-3 friends or family members to join you in the next Challenge Group with me. Then, FROM THERE, we will build your knowledge of HOW TO SUCCEED!!
  2. I typically host a NEW Challenge Group (usually all female) the first Monday of each month and I recommend that my team leads a new Challenge every month. Check with your sponsor coach to see when they are hosting their next challenge.
  3. Grab a Personal Development book... NOW. I recommend "Rock Your Network Marketing Business" -Sarah Robbins and "The Compound Effect" -Darren Hardy. Read it daily.


  • Month ONE: Find 1-3 challengers for my next Challenge Group & if you are interested in growing our business (by a little or a lot) then sign up for the next Coach Training group!
  • Month TWO: To build your business... focus on reaching Emerald coach status & Success Club. Once you reach Emerald - and complete the FIRST 30 Days of Coach Training ---> then you will be invited to move on to the SECOND Coach Training which is geared towards Emeralds becoming Diamond coaches.
If you are interested in being a coach for the discount or just as a hobby - we LOVE that you are here. If you would like to learn how to grow your business into FUN money or significant income - reach out to me and let's get you plugged in to my next training!

I highly encourage you to complete the Coach Academy Training. This is a training in the Coach Online Office that will help build your knowledge about the business aspect (if that is your goal). (COO -->> News & Training -->> Coach Training Academy)

That's it. Don't worry about the rest! Don't rush. Figure out where your questions are... then research THAT topic... not every topic. Utilize the training resources!

Make sure you save/bookmark to reference all of the training tools!
I have a TON of public videos on my YouTube channel - make sure you SUBSCRIBE.

I am here to help you EVERY step of the way for as LONG as you need it!


Our Team Facebook group is intended for support & encouragement. In there you may ask and discuss any topic you wish without feeling weird or judged. We are here to help you REACH whatever your goal is in this business.

I will provide you with every single resource that I have been given.

Remember,  a
ll you need to focus on is inviting friends and family to join you in the next challenge group. You can be an Apprentice Coach in MY challenge group, your challengers will purchase from YOU, you will be THEIR coach, and all of you will join Your Sponsor Coach in a Challenge Group.


1. Do your research
2. Coach Online Office (look here for the answer!!) & utilize the FAQ in the COO or on your SMART PHONE:
3. Google it (countless WONDERFUL blog entries about the business)
4. Ask Coach Relations
5. Ask the question on the TEAM GROUP PAGE
6. And then if you still aren't satisfied with your understanding or the answer... PLEASE ASK your coach or ME! But use your resources.

WELCOME! I am so HAPPY to have you as a part of our team!!

Dream Big! Live More! Inspire the Next!



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