
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Elite Beachbody Coach Tip: Facebook Profile Pic Dos & Donts

First impressions are everything! You never get a second chance to make a first impression so make it count! Sometimes your profile picture is as important as the content on the rest of the page! It's your first chance to say something about you!

You want your profile picture to build trust & loyalty! Think of your Facebook as your reality TV show- why should people want to follow you. I know that I personally like to follow people who I admire, are well put together and who I want to learn from. 

Some profile picture DONTS

1) Girls Night out- Drink in Hand. Do you really want to be remembered as the party girl? You look FUN but you don't look competent 
2)*Group Shots- +1s Allowed, +5s, Not So Much — If you want your BFF or significant other to join in on the fun, that's totally okay. It starts getting confusing, though, when you're posting a huge group shot as your own profile picture. Which one are you again?
3) Dark/Blurry Pics -Poor Formatting: Pixelated, blurred, stretched, poorly framed, squashed
4) A picture of your cat or something that isn't you- Um do I really need to explain this?

1) Find a bright space filled with natural light and with a plain / neutral background.
2) Make sure the camera isn't too close or your face to avoid an unflattering angle. Ask your friend to stand back a bit and even though they may be getting some of your body in frame, you can crop this out later on. No friend? Use a timer app! 
3) Try various degrees of smiling, from a barely there smile in your eyes to a broad grin. Think about what expression is appropriate for business and shows your personality! 
4) Remember, it's not a beauty contest – it's about appearing polished but not overdoing it on the hair and make-up
5) Learn Some Photoshop Basics — Removing red eye, auto-adjusting levels, and upping the contrast are all really easy tricks you can do to make your images really shine!!!!

ACTION STEP -->> Take a look at your profile picture! Are you an offender on the "Don't" list? How can you improve your Facebook First Impression?

1 comment:

  1. how did you learn to make such a beautiful blog?

    ~Renee Borden
