RIP Sydney

Saturday, March 7, 2015

It is with indescribable pain & sadness that we share the loss of our baby, sweet Sydney.
We are beyond heartbroken at her unexpected & tragic death. She was such a lovable, social and cuddly baby. She was born to a feral cat on the street- I happily took her in and we bonded instantly.
She's been with me through 3 moves... learned to love 2 pups... and has been such a special part of the family.
While I only had 6 short years with her, she will always be in my heart heart emoticon
The loss of any pet is heartbreaking... but with her death being so abrupt...feels like a punch in the gut.
Kitty parents.. PLEASE keep your babies safe indoors... especially if there is wildlife nearby. (In our case, there is a pack of wild coyotes nearby that got to her frown emoticon frown emoticon frown emoticon )
heart emoticon heart emoticon heart emoticon
RIP my sweet baby fro

Thank you for all of your kind words It feels like there is a big hole in my heart & my eyes are swollen beyond belief...but we are taking comfort in each other and all of the memories we have with our sweet Sydneywn emoticon

1 comment:

  1. I'm genuinely sorry for your loss. I'm not sure what I would do if my puppy, Pokey, were to be taken from me so unexpectedly. I hope you are healing from this loss. -Ali
