Good afternoon everyone! I decided that I am going to do another round of P90X but this time I am sticking with the Classic Version. The first round I did was the Lean, and I got great results. As a girl, looking at the classic scared me a little. There is less cardio (which is my comfort zone- girls are raised on cardio) and more workouts that work your upper body.
Today is day 4 for me....Yoga. I'm learning to love it. The stretching feels so amazing, but the workout is so long and I feel like I get bored with it. Today I am commited to sticking thru to the end....and I ALWAYS hear people say they grew to love it- so I am going in with an open mind.
My girly girl Erika is starting the Lean version and thankfully Day 3 is the same in both programs, so we were able to workout together- Shoulders and Arms and Ab Ripper X . During AB Ripper X, I don't know who was groaning more- her or me lol but we survived and got to enjoy our Shakeology drinks afterword. Talk about well earned!! Check out her blog at