Part of the reason I love coaching is helping people get closer to their fitness goals really keeps me on track with my own personal goals...selfish, I know...but it really works!! But my WHY is starting to evolve...I have been so blessed in this life with wonderful, loving, smart and generous people....and by reaching out my hand and offering them a little help...they pay me back with gratitude and an overwhelming feeling of love and appreciation. It's hard to put into words...but I have never felt anything quite like it and I am not about to let this opportunity go!! What else can you do that helps you achieve a healthy and fit lifestyle, encourages your own personal growth and forces you to focus time on becoming the best person physically, mentally, emotionally that you can be, and your job is to help others to achieve the same exact thing. Together, we can help each other live the best life we can...best the best person we can....and love and honor those who have helped us by paying it forward and helping others. Pretty powerful stuff and I am so glad to be a part of it.
I keep forgetting to mention, you can make $$ doing this...save up for that trip you want to take....pay off your car....or if you are feeling ambitious...quit your job and stay home to spend more time with your loved ones.
I just wanted to post an email that sums up my story and the reason why I love coaching!!
"It's Jersey Shore night with my fiance lol But I wanted to send you a quick email...because I've been thinking a lot about your question on how I am compensated...
I've never been "big" but as a 5'3" size 6 girl, I was just never happy...and def wasn't very confident about my body. I always assumed that because of my build I would never be one of those size 0 girls. But none the less, I wanted to make a change and lose a little weight. It seemed like I would have some success here and there but nothing ever stuck. I used to go to the gym religiously...I'm serious...I was there EVERYDAY to the point that the entire staff knew me on a first name basis and could tell you my life story!! But if anything I felt like I actually GAINED weight!! I remember one time I was on the elliptical for 2 HOURS and it just felt so futile. My feet actually went numb lol Little did I know, I had it ALL wrong. I was actually working against myself in every way you can imagine. I was starving myself until 2pm....I was eating all carbs....and then I was just doing steady rate cardio. IF ONLY I could go back in time!!!!
Then one night while I was there, I saw an infomercial for P90X...I asked around to like everyone I knew trying to find out if it was worth the $120. I heard so many good things I decided, ok this HAS to work Im just going to bite the bullet and spend the money. Well, I hate to admit this but it literally sat in my closet for months lol I knew it was going to be hard so I kept putting it off...and I started to believe I was never going to do it.
"It's Jersey Shore night with my fiance lol But I wanted to send you a quick email...because I've been thinking a lot about your question on how I am compensated...
I've never been "big" but as a 5'3" size 6 girl, I was just never happy...and def wasn't very confident about my body. I always assumed that because of my build I would never be one of those size 0 girls. But none the less, I wanted to make a change and lose a little weight. It seemed like I would have some success here and there but nothing ever stuck. I used to go to the gym religiously...I'm serious...I was there EVERYDAY to the point that the entire staff knew me on a first name basis and could tell you my life story!! But if anything I felt like I actually GAINED weight!! I remember one time I was on the elliptical for 2 HOURS and it just felt so futile. My feet actually went numb lol Little did I know, I had it ALL wrong. I was actually working against myself in every way you can imagine. I was starving myself until 2pm....I was eating all carbs....and then I was just doing steady rate cardio. IF ONLY I could go back in time!!!!
Then one night while I was there, I saw an infomercial for P90X...I asked around to like everyone I knew trying to find out if it was worth the $120. I heard so many good things I decided, ok this HAS to work Im just going to bite the bullet and spend the money. Well, I hate to admit this but it literally sat in my closet for months lol I knew it was going to be hard so I kept putting it off...and I started to believe I was never going to do it.
Finally I got annoyed with myself and just freaking started it! I played around on the Beachbody site and set up my profile...then I checked out the message boards....I wanted to do things right so I started seeking out information and I buddied up with a girl a work to help keep each other motivated. I learned to how eat right, I learned the most effective way to exercise, I learned basically everything I was doing wrong. Well, like all things- they start to lose their shiny luster and it becomes easy to skip a workout here and there, easy to blow off eating clean...easy to gain the weight back....I needed something that was going to force me to stick with it...
I was interested in seeing what Shakeology was all about...and thats how I met Lindsay. She is also a Beachbody coach and she gave me the run down of what Shakeology is and why I could check it out. It made sense...so I wanted to order it...in the process, I learned more about the Beachbody Coaching opportunity and how if you sign up you get 25% off all Beachbody products....well 25% off Shakeology =$30 Hell yes! sign me up lol Why didnt anyone tell me about this when I bought P90X?! lol
I was interested in seeing what Shakeology was all about...and thats how I met Lindsay. She is also a Beachbody coach and she gave me the run down of what Shakeology is and why I could check it out. It made sense...so I wanted to order it...in the process, I learned more about the Beachbody Coaching opportunity and how if you sign up you get 25% off all Beachbody products....well 25% off Shakeology =$30 Hell yes! sign me up lol Why didnt anyone tell me about this when I bought P90X?! lol
Anyway....at first I just focused on myself and my results. And everyone around me was helping me. I was SHOCKED...like wait...you're helping me....for free?! Twilight Zone!!! But this is bigger than you and me. Beachbody is about ending the trend of obesity...its about helping others achieve their goals so they can live a HEALTHY and HAPPY life....its about paying it forward...its about reaching out to help others because people were there for me when I needed help. People around me starting seeing the changes both physically and in my whole attitude. I lost over 20 lbs and went from a size 6 to a 0/00. I felt better and looked better and people wanted to know what I was doing....that's is where the coaching comes into play. You get compensated for simply helping them along the same journey you are on....
I don't want to sound silly...but if you have never heard of The Secret, you should check it out. Its about asking the Universe (God) for things in your life and they will be provided for you if you live a good life, you have positive intentions, you BELIEVE, and you are GRATEFUL. Now that my focus has shifted because of my Coaching experience and I understand that relationships with those around us, even with people we don't really know are the most important thing we can have. The feeling I get from helping someone succeed is beyond anything I could get paid for. PLUS what kind of coach would I be if I didn't follow my own advice??! lol THIS is what keeps me accountable, YOUR messages keep ME motivated. It might sound crazy, but that is why P90X has worked for me. I have to follow my dreams and goals because people are counting on me and looking up to me. And just like I will be here for you...I have the most amazing people here for me as well...who have truly become like my family to me. They are there on my good days and bad days...they are my cheerleaders and they kick me in the butt when I need it.
It might not seem like it now, but joining the Beachbody team is the best thing you could have done...its really changed my life in so many positive ways. And what I love about coaching is they encourage you to work on making yourself the best person you can be. My family has noticed a serious change in me in the last year because of this. I don't let things stress me out, and I am not so quick to be annoyed with people or mad over the small things....I just hope that I can help you have as good of an experience as I have.
Ok, so sorry that was long winded but its what I am passionate about!!! As a coach, you can make commision on the retail products...like if you help someone on their journey and they decide to buy P90X or another workout program- you are rewarded. But the one thing you will find with any coach is yes the monetary reward is nice, but the experience goes way beyond that. Thats why no one ever pushes....trust me I was in retail for 7 years...and even then I would not lie to my customers. If you lie, they just end up coming back mad/upset. Never a good situation!! But Im not in this to make money off of people, I am in this for my own health and motivation and to actually make a difference. I actually get giddy when people send me emails back with their successes :) So like I said before, I PROMISE you I am in this with you and we WILL ACHIEVE our goals.
Anyway, he is going to KILL me if i dont get off the computer!! Evenings are reserved for our workouts and together time lol
but send this link to your co-worker...he and his wife can sign up for a free beachbody profile and I will be their coach :)
<3 kati
Here is what she wrote back...it literally made my night!
Wow! You are so awesome, let me just tell you! I won't make this long because I know it's your together time with your fiance but your email almost brought tears to my eyes.
I am going through some "stuff" that really has me down and just generally saddened by all the selfish people around me and then here you come along and well, let's just say it's perfect timing. I've been a little down on myself and things have been going badly in various areas of my life so this is just going to be better for me than I can even convey.
Thank you, Kati - really. I am extremely grateful and I will pass the word along. I know a few co-workers use the P90x. I have a heart issue...don't know if my body could handle that level of cardio but I would love to pass the word to people who could actually buy things from you! I realize you are not in it for the money, that shows but still, I am in sales so I know we all have to eat too. haha.
Listen, thanks again and I will respond to your other emails asap...it's been a crazy day.
Have a great night,
And here is another message from my favorite coach!!
I just wanted to remind you what a great beach body coach and friend you are. I know with the holidays, your schedule, and classes that the stress might be piling up but not only are you almost done your classes but also P90x. Like Lindsay said, you're an inspiration. I know you have effected or put the thought of getting healthy in many people's minds throughout Facebook.
Keep your head up. You are a wonderful person and I'm glad I get to experience your journey!
I don't want to sound silly...but if you have never heard of The Secret, you should check it out. Its about asking the Universe (God) for things in your life and they will be provided for you if you live a good life, you have positive intentions, you BELIEVE, and you are GRATEFUL. Now that my focus has shifted because of my Coaching experience and I understand that relationships with those around us, even with people we don't really know are the most important thing we can have. The feeling I get from helping someone succeed is beyond anything I could get paid for. PLUS what kind of coach would I be if I didn't follow my own advice??! lol THIS is what keeps me accountable, YOUR messages keep ME motivated. It might sound crazy, but that is why P90X has worked for me. I have to follow my dreams and goals because people are counting on me and looking up to me. And just like I will be here for you...I have the most amazing people here for me as well...who have truly become like my family to me. They are there on my good days and bad days...they are my cheerleaders and they kick me in the butt when I need it.
It might not seem like it now, but joining the Beachbody team is the best thing you could have done...its really changed my life in so many positive ways. And what I love about coaching is they encourage you to work on making yourself the best person you can be. My family has noticed a serious change in me in the last year because of this. I don't let things stress me out, and I am not so quick to be annoyed with people or mad over the small things....I just hope that I can help you have as good of an experience as I have.
Ok, so sorry that was long winded but its what I am passionate about!!! As a coach, you can make commision on the retail products...like if you help someone on their journey and they decide to buy P90X or another workout program- you are rewarded. But the one thing you will find with any coach is yes the monetary reward is nice, but the experience goes way beyond that. Thats why no one ever pushes....trust me I was in retail for 7 years...and even then I would not lie to my customers. If you lie, they just end up coming back mad/upset. Never a good situation!! But Im not in this to make money off of people, I am in this for my own health and motivation and to actually make a difference. I actually get giddy when people send me emails back with their successes :) So like I said before, I PROMISE you I am in this with you and we WILL ACHIEVE our goals.
Anyway, he is going to KILL me if i dont get off the computer!! Evenings are reserved for our workouts and together time lol
but send this link to your co-worker...he and his wife can sign up for a free beachbody profile and I will be their coach :)
<3 kati
Here is what she wrote back...it literally made my night!
Wow! You are so awesome, let me just tell you! I won't make this long because I know it's your together time with your fiance but your email almost brought tears to my eyes.
I am going through some "stuff" that really has me down and just generally saddened by all the selfish people around me and then here you come along and well, let's just say it's perfect timing. I've been a little down on myself and things have been going badly in various areas of my life so this is just going to be better for me than I can even convey.
Thank you, Kati - really. I am extremely grateful and I will pass the word along. I know a few co-workers use the P90x. I have a heart issue...don't know if my body could handle that level of cardio but I would love to pass the word to people who could actually buy things from you! I realize you are not in it for the money, that shows but still, I am in sales so I know we all have to eat too. haha.
Listen, thanks again and I will respond to your other emails asap...it's been a crazy day.
Have a great night,
And here is another message from my favorite coach!!
I just wanted to remind you what a great beach body coach and friend you are. I know with the holidays, your schedule, and classes that the stress might be piling up but not only are you almost done your classes but also P90x. Like Lindsay said, you're an inspiration. I know you have effected or put the thought of getting healthy in many people's minds throughout Facebook.
Keep your head up. You are a wonderful person and I'm glad I get to experience your journey!
I know I'm not within Oprah's typical demographic, but something about her style and way with words speaks to me. She recently wrote about finding your true calling in life...what were you meant to do and fulfill as only you can. If I had read this before, I probably would have giving myself a panic attack, racking my brain trying to figure out what the heck I am good at, and what I want to do with my life. There is that saying "Find the job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life." I always used to snub it, seriously yeah right...who do you know that has a job they love?!
I have been searching and seeking out that mythical job...always keeping some hope that it existed but was never really 100% sure that I would ever find it...and it just sort of fell into my lap....just like that...and I feel so blessed!
I have been searching and seeking out that mythical job...always keeping some hope that it existed but was never really 100% sure that I would ever find it...and it just sort of fell into my lap....just like that...and I feel so blessed!
As I am sure everyone has seen on my Facebook, I have been focusing on my health and fitness and making a conscious effort to monitor what foods I am putting into my body. It all started because I was unhappy with my figure and did not know how to go about making a change. It's sad that in 2011 most of us are not eating to live....we are living to eat....which is killing our community with the obscene obesity rates. I was completely clueless when I first started, but as I began seeking out information and making small changes...I was seeing a difference in my body. Naturally if you are successful, other people want to know what you are doing and this is where you can make some powerful connections with people. There is nothing greater than the feeling of helping someone look and feel better. That person is then able to pass along their experience to others and fight the obesity epidemic.
I found what works for me and I'm sure you've all heard me talk about P90X or Brazilian Butt Lift....I LOVEEE it!!! And have been sharing that experience and my success with basically everyone around me :) They are made by a company called Beachbody....the mission statement for the company is "to reverse the trend of obesity by giving people the tools and support to achieve a fit and healthy body"
Just by sharing my experience with people and offering them support and advice based on my own personal experience I am able to be a part of something bigger. I am not just living day in day out watching the clock go by...I am starting to LIVE MY BEST LIFE. I am helping others get their self confidence back (or for some, get it for the first time!) I am not only helping other people, but I have seen and felt a change in myself. I am surrounded by the most positive, friendly, loving and caring people you can imagine with a strong mind, heart and body!!
If you want to be a part of this, now is the time to reach out and make that change....send me an email and ask about my experience....and you will be surprised what you can accomplish. If you are not learning and growing everyday and pushing yourself to be better....you are drowning....you have not found that vital element in life that makes you feel ALIVE! I am SO HAPPY this opportunity was given to me and I am riding this wave TO THE TOP!!
January is fast approaching and the business is going to EXPLODE! Now is the time to get in on the opportunity and help people in the new year make a change and STICK WITH IT!! This awesome company that I have the pleasure of being affiliated with is offering you a TREMENDOUS opportunity. Beachbody, my coaches and I are SERIOUS about helping families, changing lives and getting people get fit inside and out. The goal is the change as many lives as possible!!
Sound good? Well how about making an extra income while doing it? By being the change you wish you seek in the world and helping others stay motivated and providing them support you can.
"We are all called. If you're here breathing, you have a contribution to make to our human community. The real work of your life is to figure out your function- your part in the whole- as soon as possible, and then about the business of fulfilling it as soon as only you can."
Beachbody spends over 100 MILLION a year in advertising to sell their products... But instead of selling them in a retail store where they would just get lost on the shelf and used for a week and forgotten they decided to do something different... They decided to let their customers be the living proof of what their products can accomplish!!! They call these people COACHES because they are the voice of the company and know the product first-hand! By having the online support network, this isn't something you use for a week....get bored and quit...you CANT...you have people all around you cheering you on and supporting you...who would want to let them down? Thats a major reason it WORKS! I've had those hard days....where I didn't want to workout and pushed through and did it anyone because I knew I have people who BELIEVE IN ME!
I found what works for me and I'm sure you've all heard me talk about P90X or Brazilian Butt Lift....I LOVEEE it!!! And have been sharing that experience and my success with basically everyone around me :) They are made by a company called Beachbody....the mission statement for the company is "to reverse the trend of obesity by giving people the tools and support to achieve a fit and healthy body"
Just by sharing my experience with people and offering them support and advice based on my own personal experience I am able to be a part of something bigger. I am not just living day in day out watching the clock go by...I am starting to LIVE MY BEST LIFE. I am helping others get their self confidence back (or for some, get it for the first time!) I am not only helping other people, but I have seen and felt a change in myself. I am surrounded by the most positive, friendly, loving and caring people you can imagine with a strong mind, heart and body!!
If you want to be a part of this, now is the time to reach out and make that change....send me an email and ask about my experience....and you will be surprised what you can accomplish. If you are not learning and growing everyday and pushing yourself to be better....you are drowning....you have not found that vital element in life that makes you feel ALIVE! I am SO HAPPY this opportunity was given to me and I am riding this wave TO THE TOP!!
January is fast approaching and the business is going to EXPLODE! Now is the time to get in on the opportunity and help people in the new year make a change and STICK WITH IT!! This awesome company that I have the pleasure of being affiliated with is offering you a TREMENDOUS opportunity. Beachbody, my coaches and I are SERIOUS about helping families, changing lives and getting people get fit inside and out. The goal is the change as many lives as possible!!
Sound good? Well how about making an extra income while doing it? By being the change you wish you seek in the world and helping others stay motivated and providing them support you can.
"We are all called. If you're here breathing, you have a contribution to make to our human community. The real work of your life is to figure out your function- your part in the whole- as soon as possible, and then about the business of fulfilling it as soon as only you can."
Beachbody spends over 100 MILLION a year in advertising to sell their products... But instead of selling them in a retail store where they would just get lost on the shelf and used for a week and forgotten they decided to do something different... They decided to let their customers be the living proof of what their products can accomplish!!! They call these people COACHES because they are the voice of the company and know the product first-hand! By having the online support network, this isn't something you use for a week....get bored and quit...you CANT...you have people all around you cheering you on and supporting you...who would want to let them down? Thats a major reason it WORKS! I've had those hard days....where I didn't want to workout and pushed through and did it anyone because I knew I have people who BELIEVE IN ME!