I was Bad...

Monday, March 14, 2011

I want to come clean and fuss up....the weekend was pretty crazy with a lot going on.  Sometimes you just want to kick back and enjoy some drinks and crappy food with everyone else. So I want to come clean...I had 3 beers and Wendy's on Saturday! I know right?!  At the time, I was loving it...but all day Sunday I felt like crap.  The older you get, the more your mood and how you function depends on the food you put in your body.
So here is to a new beginning this week! I am adding 2 extra cardio days this week to make up for it and get the good workout feelings back.  My Sunday workout was soooo hard because I felt like I didn't treat my body right. Sometimes...you just gotta roll with the punches and renew your commitment the next day :)

Ten Rules for Being Human

1. You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it's yours to keep for the entire period.

2. You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time informal school called, "life."

3. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial, error, and experimentation. The "failed" experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiments that ultimately "work."

4. Lessons are repeated until they are learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can go on to the next lesson.

5. Learning lessons does not end. There's no part of life that doesn't contain its lessons. If you're alive, that means there are still lessons to be learned.

6. "There" is no better a place than "here." When your "there" has become a "here", you will simply obtain another "there" that will again look better than "here."

7. Other people are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself.

8. What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours.

9. Your answers lie within you. The answers to life's questions lie within you. All you need to do is look, listen, and trust.

10. You will forget all this.