It doesn't seem like very long ago that I was living paycheck-to-paycheck...str
I promised myself that SOMEDAY, SOMEHOW I would make things right. One day, I would be in a position to help more animals.
It's been on my heart to help the local animal rescue...and I am HAPPY to say... starting tomorrow I am on the weekly schedule to help care for & walk the dogs (and snuggle them of course!)
TODAY, I get to write a good-sized check to an organization (Suncoast Animal League) who is making a HUGE IMPACT for abused/abandoned animals.
They just shut down a puppy-mill and are rescuing 45-65 dogs who will need medical care & a loving home!

I'm constantly reminded to stay humble, come from a place of gratitude, stay hungry for growth, to share my many blessings AND most importantly use this opportunity to pay it forward.
THANK YOU to every single person who supported me, believed in me and helped make moments like this possible heart emoticon