I will be the FIRST to admit I was SKEPTICAL about this workout (to be fair..I'm skeptical about evvvrrythinggg until I read reviews from other people lol )
When Beachbody started promoting it...we thought the promo video was a spoof haha
HUH? Country...line...dancing....as a ...workout...uhhhh Okkayyyy?!
But...once I popped that baby in... I could seeAutumn Calabrese was a master...and she wasn't messing around haha
I love the music. I love the moves. It's SO fun to do WITH people (hellloooo workout dates!!) and the workouts go by so quickly.
The first week or so was a bit frustrating...I'm not naturally a dancer..I have absolutely NO rhythm and I felt a bit ridiculous trying to copy Autumn's smooth moves :P
But...I just focused on MOVING. Much like I did when I started P90X... If I couldn't do the move, I would go slow, pause the dvd or simply do what I could.
But week by week...I've been feeling more confident and actually able to add my own flair.
- You Sweat.
- You're sore (in places you didn't even realize you're working)
- Once you get the moves down, you end up having so much fun you forget it's a workout.
- You twist, turn and shimmy so much that it really cinches in your waist! YAY!
I found myself checking in to the private Beachbody facebook group to see what the other girls were doing...to share struggles...share tips and honestly...it really reminded me why I LOVE CHALLENGE GROUPS. The support and motivation is like none other ...which is why I CANNOT wait to host my own County Heat group! (COMING SOON!)
Before we started...I was DREADING the "DAY 1" pics because I got a little fluffy. We'll call it happy weight... from all of the fun date nights and dinners out haha
I am SO glad I took the pics though because while I'm "only" down 4 lbs...I FEEL so much better! I feel like ME again.

I would HIGHLY recommend this workout for...
- Anyone who struggles with hypothyroidism/Hashimoto's like me
- Anyone who needs a LOW impact workout
- New moms who want to get back in the swing of things
- Anyone NEW to fitness who wants a program that is NOT intimidating
- Anyone who gets BORED with their workouts and wants something FUN
- Anyone who loves country Music
- Anyone who wants to learn how to dance haha
- Anyone who wants to shake things up!
If you are considering this workout...I say GO FOR IT! And that is coming from someone who really was NOT convinced it was going to be good (but it is!!) hehe
Feel free to share if you are excited about this program =)