Who doesn't want a Bum Bum like this?! If you want to work on your booty, you HAVE to try Brazilian Butt Lift!! I am going to do the High & Tight workout on my lunch break today, and I am proud to say that I have graduated to the higher resistance band!! Yayy!! Progress!! Plus, I have to admit...this is the most fun workout I've ever done.
If you aren't sure if you need a Bum Bum lift, then you need to take the pencil test. I'll admit that when I first did this...the result was a bit depressing lol BUT that just makes success that much sweeter because I can no longer hold the pencil :)
Take the Pencil Test:
To see if your butt has enough lift, simply take a pencil and place it in the crease where your butt meets the top of the back of your thigh. If the pencil stays put or actually disappears, your butt lacks the LIFT that reduces that crease. The goal is to lose fat and firm your butt, so it's lifted and the pencil falls on the floor. The Beachbody Brazil Butt Lift DVDs unlock the secret to getting the "lift" you need.