Use P90X to build the body you want!

Friday, June 3, 2011

I wanted to feature a fellow team member Markie Reeves because she PROVES that P90X can help you build and shape your body! For me, it was about weight loss...but for's about being healthy and adding muscle mass to her lean frame. The result? Super sexy confident healthy woman! Love ya Markie!! 

Ok, to all who are close to me and especially that I couldn't hear the end of it on Friday about my "love handles" post - here is my current progress pics. I hope now you know that just because I'm petite & have teeny legs and arms does NOT mean I'm in shape or healthy. Weight ONLY goes to my stomach and you all know I hate looking like a little girl with my teeny limbs too. I hope you'll finally see what I've been saying ALL along. Remember the goal is not to SEEM or BE just "skinny"...which now you know...I wasn't. It's about being HEALTHY & FIT and that's what my goal is to do and to help others do as well.

So these are "my new legs" I'm so excited about! Still got a ways to go..but it's a good start to hopefully prep me a little better for the new semester at BF of TX...and to look like an adult, goodness. Thank you Leandro Fitness (Carvalho) &Tony Horton for giving me THE solution and getting me this far!!! Means A LOT more to me than just aesthetics ♥

She did this with P90X, Brazil Butt Lift and Shakeology!


  1. We are all going to be pimping our Markie :)

  2. Haha! You KNOW it Javier!!! She looks INCREDIBLE!!!
