I have truly been blessed this week because I have lots of friends lighting a fire under my booty and pushing me to go after my dreams <3

She's been working 50 hrs a week to pay for school! She understands hard work and the importance of self discovery & goal setting! Her passion is helping people become a better version of themselves! Soooo excited to have her as part of our family!!!

Erica Stein is a total GO GETTER! She never ceases to amaze me. She is working on her future NOW. There is something special about people who realize the power of their dreams and their ability to help stretch others to their full potential.
After spending two hours on the phone with her, I know she is going to work hard to drive others to succeed. Annnnd how cool is this...her family owns a turkey farm in PA. All organic, all natural =)

She gets fired up about making people feel good about themselves, has a huge heart & takes the time to value the the little things in life. She is a passionate RN student, loving wife, and dedicated mommy of cute lil Payton! Sooooo happy to have you on the team!!

Ashleigh Severson....What can I even say about this girl...ok I can't do it justice...just go to her blog and read her last post....WOW! http://ashleighseverson.blogspot.com/

And lastly....we have a guy! Kevin I want to send a BIG congratulations out to you and Miss Stephanie!!! I can't wait to find out if you are having a boy or a girl!!! I wish you two all of the happiness in the world. True soul mates!
Soooo why do people become coaches? Everyone joins the business for a different reason...and we are all in different phases of our life.
My initial reason for signing up was to get the discount and be accountable to the workouts. Then changed...and my passion became paying it forward to help others achieve the same success. The possibilities are endless. As I have progressed in my own goals, I realized that I could really make my passion...my FUTURE. I've been blessed to make this my full time job (dream come true!!) so THANK YOU everyone for supporting and believing in me!
But it's not all about me!
Here is what my team said when I asked them WHY they signed up!!!
Beth: "I have several reasons why I wanted to become a coach. I always want to strive to be a better person and become a better version of myself and I know that with beach body that is possible. I love that as a coach you can make a positive impact on peoples lives. I can't think of a better feeling that because you cared and pushed somebody you helped them become a better version of themselves as well. I'm looking forward to actually completing a full bb program and be an example for people in my life. I also want to be financially free and financially Independent. I always want to love what I do, and I love that coaching is an opportunity I get to have."
Lisa: "There are a couple of reasons WHY I joined on as a beachbody coach. First is the aspect of money. I work full time, go to college and still struggle to pay my bills. I don't want to live like that. I want to be able to live comfortably. I want to save money to buy my first home within the next two years. I want to be free of debt & to be able to pay off my student loan debt (or at least stop accumulating it). If I could pay cash for the rest of my college education it would be GREAT!! Secondly, looking at people like you two (Linds & Kati)... You're making a difference in people's lives! That is so inspiring to me.
I want to be someone that people can look up to, someone that can help people better their lives. I look at my parents & some of my close friends & I know I want them to start leading healthier lives. If I can in anyway inspire them to do that I would be a very happy girl. Now to specifics. Financially I would like to be making an extra $500 a month within the year. (not sure if this is high or low as far as possibilities, but even that much money would make a huge difference to me). I want to be diamond by the end of 2013 :) I want to have my Mom signed on as a permanent customer & have her leading a healthier lifestyle. Tack my Dad onto that list too! I want my credit cards paid off by this time next year. ok:) I will end my list here. Sorry it was so long winded!!"
Tara: "Congratulations on your dream come true of living in California - A crazy dream of mine would be to move to a beach somewhere in the Carolinas! But another dream would be to be able to be home with my daughter - I am currently a full time student so I do get to be home with her, I will be finished with my bachelors next December. But I would love to have a career doing something that I love, that doesn't feel like work and get to be home with her. I want to have my cake and eat it too! My vision - no one has ever asked me that before - well right now we plan on getting out of the military in 2 years - and for a brief moment we will have to move back in with my parents *yikes!!* until all of our things get shipped back to the U.S. and we find jobs - ideally my vision would be to go back and buy our own house and I would love to be able to work out of my house and be able to support our family until he finds a job - I have big dreams and high expectations for my family - and I have always worked hard to achieve my goals - I'm really excited to become a part of beachbody....I don't have unrealistic expectations but I know the possibilities are endless "