My Fitness Progress

Friday, November 15, 2013

Human right here. Even though I am SOOOO passionate about helping others with their fitness doesn't mean that I am always 100% on point and IN FACT...over the summer...I got a lil....ahem...pudgy! hahah 
Now, I know that I have THE most awesome friends who will tell me I look great & are so so sweet BUT when I am not my personal best or living up to my potential...I just dont like it!
For the last 7 weeks, I've been on a QUEST to get back to my ideal body composition (I don't care about the scale....I care more about body fat % and I just want to wear cute clothes and FEEL AWESOME in them hahah) I've learned A LOT of the last 2 months and it's really helped me connect with my challengers, experience what they are going through and the result...they are kicking serious BOOtayyyyy!
With all of that being said...I think I'm ready to unveil my progress SO FAR. A healthy lifestyle is a journey NOT a destination right? 
So who wants to see?