The other week, I opened a Fortune Cookie (I can't actually eat it haha #GF4Life) that said... "Your Actions will Inspire Other People"
Since then... I haven't been able to get it out of my head. In many ways, I realize I have been blessed and HOPEFULLY have inspired others to pursue their passions, work with animal rescues or cook their own dog food hehe, and to take care of themselves (health/fitness).

But sometimes I feel like a bit of a fraud when it comes to fitness. I'm not a trainer...I'm not super fit... my form is far from perfect... I'm huffing & puffing during the workouts #pausebreaks needed... and sometimes I feel like I've flat out REGRESSED haha I was in MUCH better shape when I started with P90X.
Despite all of that...
- I'm MUCH stronger than I've ever been (mentally/emotionally)
- I learning to overcome things I never had to deal with in the past (thyroid, Hashimotos, etc...)
- I am MUCH more in tune with my body. I'm a better listener!
- I've learned that Fitness is a work in progress. It's about making those small daily decisions that add up. And throwing a pity party isn't helping anyone one bit!
- I've learned that we aren't alone. We all have struggles, good days/bad days...we all play the comparison game & measure ourselves against someone else's highlight reel. But TOGETHER we truly are STRONGER.
So as I start my next Wellness Babes accountability group, I am GRATEFUL and humbled by anyone I've inspired. I'm thankful for all of your kind words and messages.
And I would like to invite you to hold me accountable as well!
If you want to journey on this fitness road together, I would love to have you in my lil sisterhood! #WellnessBabes
RSVP Here: