I had to fight those late night cravings (eating out of boredom!) but I am happy and a little shocked to report that I did NOT cheat! Seriously didn't see that coming because my tummy was literally growling. Puppy frisbee on Wii kept me distracted though lol
Today's agenda/Meal Plan....
Today's Workout Classes: Fire 45 Class/HITT 20 Class/Stretch 10 Class
Work Sessions are set for 6pm
Today's Workout Classes: Fire 45 Class/HITT 20 Class/Stretch 10 Class
Work Sessions are set for 6pm
Turbo Tools: Results and Recovery Formula, towel and water
Turbo Tunes: "Wiggle It," "Proud Mary," " Pull Over," "Boom I Got Your Boyfriend"
Turbo Moves: Roundhouse Kick, Tuck Jumps, Sumo Squats, Air Jacks
Fire Drills: 3 in 60 second intervals
Benefits: Core Strenthing, cardio conditioning
Turbo Tools: Result and Recovery Formula, towel, water
Turbo Tunes: "Turn This Mutha Out"
Turbo Moves: Sumo Burpee, Quick-Feet, High Knees, Sumo Touch, Squat Jumps
Fire Drills: 7 Drills in 45-second intervals
Benefits: Increased AfterBurn effect
Repeat of Day 1
Logging my workout in the Wowy SuperGym because my good friend just won $500 for logging her workout!!!!! Crazzyyyy!! Hey Farah, you know my birthday is coming up right? ;)
Breakfast: 1 scoop chocolate shakeology with 8oz water, some ice, half a banana, 2 tsp natural peanut butter.
Snack: 1 Medium Apple with 1 Tbsp of Almond Butter

Lunch: Egg Salad on Whole wheat wrap
Snack: Medium Orange & 10 Almonds

Dinner: Flank steak marinated in soy sauce with 1 Tbsp black pepper, 1 clove crushed garlic; spinach steamed in a sauce pot for about 3 minutes, then add 2 tbsp sourcream (for two servings), 2 Tbsp parmesan cheese.. YUM; half a baked potato All under 400 calories!

Have you ever done a meal plan like this to get hot for the weekend? or an event? Post in the comments!
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