Ultimate Reset Day 3

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Day 3 was interesting because I don't remember a lot lol I woke up achy with a bit of a headache- another night of restless sleep! I did have some weird dreams in between constantly waking up lol

Breakfast was AWESOME! It was the same breakfast from Day 1 I was literally savoring my slice of toast. In the morning I was actually doing fine mood wise- I took a steaming hot shower and noticed that my face was breaking out pretty badly. Ick
 Right after I ate lunch, I immediately started to cook the lentils for lunch. That takes about 25 min- you can use the canned ones but I was feeling adventurous
Between lunch and 4pm- I don't know WHAT the heck happened. I laid down and passed out! Missed lunch! lol By the time I woke up- I just wasn't hungry. I didn't want to eat and for whatever reason, the thought of eating made me upset (???) 

Took my supplements, went to Trader Joes for FRUIT!!! I am SOOOO looking forward to Day 4's breakfast!!! Seasonal fruit, yogurt and a slice of toast HEAVEN!

I ended up eating "lunch" at around 8pm which consisted of Lentil Lime Salad (I was VERY skeptical, but it was actually pretty good) and another microgreen salad- yum!!

I was so exhausted that I just skipped dinner which was supposed to be Nori Rolls with Tempeh & veggies, Cucumber salad and miso soup!

By now your body is starting to release toxins, and it's common to be experiencing strong cravings or even aches and pains. For many people, these can be the most challenging days of the Ultimate Reset™. Hang in there! Drink plenty of water, and try taking a warm—not hot—shower to support your body's processes.

 Whole-Grain Toast and Eggs
 Lentil Lime Salad
 Japanese Cucumber Salad
2 slices whole-grain toast, 2 scrambled eggs (use ½ teaspoon of olive oil), and a generous portion of steamed kale or spinach.

Men may add 1 banana or 1 cup of mixed fruit pieces.
Lentil-Lime SaladMicrogreen Salad (reduce amount of nuts/seeds to 2 Tbsp. or less), and 1 serving dressing of choice from recipe guide.Nori Rolls with Tempeh and VeggiesJapanese Cucumber SaladMiso Soup.

Men may have an additional ¼ sliced avocado OR ½ cup wild or brown rice.
Week 1: Reclaim
(a pinch in distilled water)
MORNING12–32 oz.10–15 drops2 capsules  
Wait 30 minutes.
                                  Wait a minimum of 2 hours.
AFTERNOON12–32 oz.10–15 drops2 capsules  
Wait 30 minutes.
Wait a minimum of 2 hours.
12–32 oz.  1 packet
Wait 30 minutes.
SNACK (optional)
                                  Wait a minimum of 2 hours.
EVENING12–32 oz.10–15 drops2 capsules  
Wait 30 minutes.
Why Do I Feel?Quick Tip
Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day. You should be drinking AT LEAST one ounce for every two pounds of your body weight.
Reset Water
Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day. You should be drinking AT LEAST one ounce for every two pounds of your body weight. Or a good rule of thumb is to "drink before you're thirsty."

I saw this on Pinterest and just thought.....HOW PERFECT! It's been a rough 3 days but word is- day 4 gets better!

Reset Eve!
Day 1 

Why Do the Ultimate Reset?
Research the Ultimate Reset, here